The Carlson Lab Research
Read more about what the Carlson Lab is all about and what other studies are under way!

Our research team has developed and studied the MBCR program extensively for the past two decades. The research shows that the MBCR program has a variety health benefits for people living with cancer post-treatment. The benefits of MBCR include better management of stress, mood, the symptoms/side-effects of cancer treatments, better overall physical health, regulation of stress hormones and immune function.
The traditional MBCR program is delivered face-to-face in group setting over a period of 9 weeks. Most of our research has investigated face-to-face MBCR, although we recently developed and successfully tested an online version of the program. Concurrently, we have also developed a mobile app-based versions of the program, which is being investigated in the SEAMLESS Study with people living with cancer post-treatment.

The One-Mind Study
The purpose of this study is to help understand the effectiveness of a behavioral therapy program called Mindfulness Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) when delivered online for patients taking chemotherapy. This is involves real-time classes conducted online every week over 12 weeks with the opportunity to interact with a trained instructor anonymously. The basis for ONE-MIND is to deliver MBCR to patients who are about to begin their chemotherapy (or immediately following chemotherapy), in the hopes of preventing or reducing the burden of negative symptoms related to chemotherapy.

The MATCH Study
The MATCH Study: Mindfulness And Tai chi for Cancer Health, is an innovative clinical trial conducted by the University of Calgary/Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary and the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto. Two interventions with a substantial evidence-base are Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) and Tai chi/Qigong (TCQ). However, these interventions have never been directly compared and they may help cancer patients in different ways. The purpose of the MATCH Study, is to compare the two intervention groups on a range of psychological outcomes including stress, mood, quality of life, fatigue, pain and sleep.